Women’s Health

Women's Health Concerns

We love women... maybe we're biased, but being a woman can be pretty empowering.  And still, we're complex.  And so is our health.  The team at Nourish Integrative Health has specialized knowledge in women's health concerns and works together on patient cases to achieve hormonal balance and make you the vital, empowered woman you should be Our team considers all aspects of your individual health needs, focusing on treating the root cause of your concerns to achieve your health goals in a healthy and sustainable way.

Being a woman isn't always easy (trust us, we know...), and that's why we are here to help you along the way.

We can help with women's health concerns including:6175811463_cebbc88ccf_o

  • Hormone balancing (weight loss, acne, thyroid imbalances)
  • Infertility (unexplained, ovarian failure, PCOS, endometriosis, etc.) 
  • Premenstrual (PSM) symptoms
  • Painful or heavy periods 
  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal infections
  • Mood disorders (anxiety, depression, stress management, etc.)
  • Pre and postnatal care
  • Menopausal concerns

Nourish Integrative Health has a special focus on women's health, fertility and pregnancy care, which often involves Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to be especially beneficial in promoting fertility. Read more about our specialized treatments by clicking here.

Let our team support your unique female health needs and optimize healthy hormone levels by contacting us today!