Top 5 Homeopathics for Earaches in Children

Ear infections affect more than 10 million children a year. They are often caused by viral upper respiratory tract infections, which means that antibiotics will not help. This is reflected in the research, which have found limited therapeutic benefit from antibiotic therapy. Thankfully most uncomplicated cases of ear infections resolve spontaneously, but safe supportive therapies like […]

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Simple Soothing DIY Body Butter

Avoid toxin exposure while nourishing your skin with this easy DIY body butter   Easy to assemble using ingredients in your own kitchen, this natural DIY body butter works wonders on dry, irritated skin to rehydrate, relieve itching and help heal damaged tissues.  It’s a great alternative to store-bought lotions that have parabens and other ingredients […]

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Easy Tips: Cold & Flu Prevention for your Little Ones!

National Child Day just passed on November 20th – and the Nourish team is equally committed to ensuring children are protected from harm and provided with every opportunity to reach their full potential. That’s why we have put together an education series for parents – 5 lessons packed full of information and simple remedies you can […]

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5 Natural Remedies for Allergy Relief

Is it just me or did Autumn settle abruptly upon us this year?! And if you are one of the 10 million Canadians who suffer from allergies, this means the sneezing, sniffling, itchy eyes, headache and congestion has begun. If this sounds like you - or someone you know that needs allergy relief - keep […]

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